In-Person Reunion: A Memorable Meetup for R-Ladies Rome Organizers

Welcome to R-Ladies Rome Blog!

Inspiring Insights and Knowledge Sharing in R Programming

October 21, 2023

We’ve got some exciting news to share with you all! The R-Ladies Rome organizers recently had a wonderful get-together in the heart of Rome. It was a special day where we came together for the first time in a long while and enjoyed some quality time with each other.

R-Ladies Rome Organizers: from the left Francesca Picone, Federica Gazzelloni, Katie Jane Wood

The day was all about connecting and having a great time. We met at La Fiorentina in Prati, a lovely spot in Rome, where we relaxed while enjoying an aperitif.

This meetup was not just a simple gathering; it was a chance for us to finally met in person, strengthen our team spirit and enjoy each other’s company.

We chatted about our plans for the future, shared ideas for upcoming events, and discussed how we can continue to make R-Ladies Rome an even more welcoming community.

We talked about the latest trends in data science, cool tricks with R programming, and shared stories of our experiences in the field. Our in-person get-together was a reminder of the strength of our community and the many possibilities that lie ahead.

We can’t wait to share more with you in the coming days and months. Keep an eye out for our future events and activities. We're looking forward to having you with us on this fantastic journey!

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