R in Production: An Evening with Dr. Hadley Wickham

R-Ladies Rome & R-Ladies NYC presents

Web Scraping
Best Practices
Engaging session with Dr. Hadley Wickham, Chief Scientist at Posit PBC.

May 24, 2024

Registered Attendees (200)

May 24, 2024 speaker is Dr. Hadley Wickham, Chief Scientist at Posit PBC (formerly RStudio).

🎬 Dive into this inspiring talk! 🔥

While we explored ‘R in Production’ with Dr. Hadley Wickham.

In collaboration with R-Ladies NYC, we fostered a dynamic networking environment, setting the stage for insightful discussions and connections. Before delving into the main talk, attendees engaged in lively exchanges, building camaraderie and sharing experiences.

As the session unfolded, Hadley inspired us with expertise, navigating the challenges and best practices of deploying R solutions in real-world scenarios. We delved into web scraping and tasted the challenges of real-time changes, all while outlining the principles when working in production: not one time, not one computer, not just me.

The event culminated in an engaging Q&A session, offering attendees the opportunity to ask about key concepts and gain further insights.

Missed the live session? Don’t worry!

🎬 Watch the recording now to embark on a transformative journey into the realm of 'R in Production'!

Simply click on the video below to watch it:


As organizations increasingly rely on data-driven decision-making, the ability to extract and analyze data from the web becomes essential for informing business strategies, market research, competitive analysis, and more. Incorporating web scraping into production-level R workflows enables practitioners to automate data collection processes, streamline data acquisition pipelines, and leverage timely insights for informed decision-making.

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